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Scholarship Information

Bevill State Summer Scholarships

Bevill State’s 2019 Summer Dual Enrollment Scholarships are now available.  You may access the scholarship applications using the links below or on our website at

The application deadline for both applications is Friday, March 22, 2019.   Current recipients of the Spring 2019 Career Technical Dual Enrollment Scholarship do not need to submit a scholarship application.   Current recipients just need to submit a summer registration packet.

Summer Honors-Academic Course Only (Covers 3 credit hours tuition only and course may be taken for Dual or Accelerated credit)

Summer-Career Techncial Dual Enrollment Scholarship (Scholarship provided via grant funds.  Beginning Summer 2019, the college is expanding this program to cover up to 3 courses.   Also, students may take required academic courses with at least one career technical course.  The academic course must be an English, math or science course that is a degree requirement in the Career Technical program.)

American Legion Auxiliary Scholarship

-Deadline (see website)

Sparkling Ice Scholarship

The deadline is approaching soon! Applications are due by February 15, 2019and winners will be announced in Spring 2019


General Requirements
Visit for full list of requirements. 

Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident of the United States.

Must be a high school senior graduating between August 1, 2018 and July 31, 2019.

Must have a cumulative high school grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.5 on a 4-point scale (high school/home school seniors)

Sallie Mae College Scholarship Search


Coolidge Scholarship Program

Homer Fund

Federal Employee Education Fund

Daughters of the American Revolution Scholarships

Amazon Student Scholarship

Foot Locker Scholar Athlete

Coca Cola Scholarship

DUE OCTOBER 31, 2018

Animal Health FFA Scholarship

Alabama Student Grant Program

Alabama Concrete Industries Scholarship

Shout It Out Scholarship


American Legion Auxiliary Children of Warriors National President's Scholarship 2019-Deadline March 1, 2019. See Ms. Herron for application!